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HomeAll AppDice Roll Game Development

Dice Roll Game Development

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Dice Roll Game Development service by webgradle

The Dice Roll Game was developed using Android Studio for native mobile app development. Firebase was utilized for real-time database functionality and user authentication, ensuring seamless multiplayer experiences. PHP served as the server-side scripting language, handling interactions between the mobile app and MySQL database, storing user data and game states securely. Webgradle facilitated efficient project management and deployment. This technology stack ensured smooth gameplay, robust backend support, and scalability for future enhancements.

What is Dice Roll Game?

Dice Roll Game is a game available on the App Store that uses dice to generate random numbers. The game is rated 4+ and is compatible with iPhone, iPad, macOS, and visionOS. It also offers unlimited rolls. Dice rolls are a simple way to generate random numbers by throwing one or more dice. For example, in the board game Monopoly, players roll two six-sided dice to generate a number. Dice are also used in other games, such as craps, backgammon, and wargames.


WebGradle offers a rapid Dice Roll game development service utilizing Android Studio, Firebase, PHP, and MySQL. Leveraging Android Studio ensures seamless integration with Android devices, optimizing user experience. Firebase powers real-time data synchronization, enabling multiplayer functionality and secure authentication. PHP and MySQL handle backend operations, managing game logic and storing user data efficiently.Within just 3 days, WebGradle delivers a fully functional game, backed by free support. This expedited development timeline ensures timely deployment and market readiness. Clients benefit from comprehensive assistance throughout the development process and beyond, with free ongoing support.To inquire about sales, support, or request a free demo, clients can contact WebGradle via phone or WhatsApp at +919696741652. With its efficient development process and dedicated support, WebGradle offers a convenient solution for those seeking a dynamic Dice Roll game.

Technology used:

The Dice Roll Game was developed using Android Studio for native app development, Firebase for real-time data syncing and user authentication, and PHP with MySQL for backend server operations. Webgradle facilitated seamless integration of these technologies for efficient development and deployment.

Promo video:


Detailed video:


User side screenshot:

User Demo:


Admin side screenshot:

Admin Demo:


Features of Dice Roll game:

  1. Simple GUI The project contains simple UI such text and images.
  2. Basic Controls This project uses a basic control that needed to interact with the game.
  3. User-friendly Interface This project was design in a simple user-friendly interface web application.

Dice Roll game development cost:

WebGradle offers this Game Development for 50,000. It encompasses frontend and backend development, UI/UX design, database integration, and testing. Utilizing modern web technologies, it ensures a smooth user experience and scalability. Comprehensive documentation and support are provided throughout the development process.

Dice Roll game development time:

The Dice Roll Game, developed in 3 days by WebGradle, employs HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for front-end design and functionality. Backend logic is executed with Node.js. The game mechanics simulate dice rolls, offering an engaging user experience within a tight development timeframe.

Requirement to develop Dice Roll game:

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